Stand in Truth

The truth is in us because God is in us. As we encounter truth, it is confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and this strengthens us if we receive it with a renewed mind. Our old mind and old way of doing things won’t recognize life in the truth or cause us to engage
in it. Unrenewed thinking cannot sustain the abundant life God intends for us.

Lies will come. Anything that is not lined up to the Word of God for you is a lie and meant to harm you. As we encounter lies, we will either shoot them down by the nudging of the Holy Spirit or we will let them chisel away and harm us through unrenewed thinking.
The Holy Spirit will bring the light of God’s truth, and the lie must bow down. It becomes powerless, but we must agree with and heed the movement of the Holy Spirit for this to happen. We will become enlightened and drawn to the leading of the Holy Spirit
as we change the way we think.

Dealing with lies through a renewed mind brings life and growth. Choosing to go through lies with an unrenewed mind brings retests and a rebuild of time and things lost to agreement with the lie. The difference in how we handle these situations is due to whether
we’ve chosen God’s way of thinking over our own habitual “before Christ” thinking.

Believing lies can become a lifeless lifestyle if we don’t choose to grow into a renewed mind. We must renew our minds to God’s written and personally and publicly spoken word. This comes through reading, praying and fellowshipping with God through the Holy
Spirit, at home and at church. Then we must obey what we hear. This takes time to learn as we’ve often come from a life of doing whatever pleases self. We must consciously apply effort and stop resisting change as the Holy Spirit nudges us. Apathy cannot win
the day. Really, apathy cannot even win the moment.

Jesus paid too high a price for us to live “less than” in our minds and lives. He paid for abundant freedom. We need to live it. The effort to change and then live it is not easy, but it’s worth it. Renewing our minds will bring us to the

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