You are the Light of the World

What a difference Jesus makes in a reborn life! Bringing light, hope and peace, Jesus, with the help of the Holy Spirit, leads the newly saved person on a beautiful journey of discovering their salvation. There can be favourable changes in the way the new believer looks, acts and lives. The light of God has shone upon them!
In that light is the life of Christ. Here is where we become truly alive and find out why we were created. We find our purpose. As we seek the face of God, we learn through Jesus, the Word, what it is to become a child of God and follower of Christ. The Holy Spirit leads and guides us into truth as we follow the straight and narrow path marked with holiness. This is a beautiful miracle to behold for the transformed life!
Soon after, we learn that it is God’s plan for all to be saved and to come into a glorious encounter with Him. We discover in Matthew 5:14a,16 that we have an important role to fulfill:

“You are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”

The Amplified version says that we are the light of Christ to the world. We have a responsibility to carry His light and share it with others. We need to bring the life of Jesus to the unsaved. It is a very real purpose that we can only carry out by the grace of God.
Our salvation is not a selfish one. Jesus saved us and we need to bring others into His saving grace. We must shine the light of Christ found in us onto others.
The world all by itself is a dark place, God told us it would be this way. We must focus on Christ’s light and continue to take life from it. Only then can we can propel others by grace into His grace.
Jesus Christ in us is powerful! As we follow the Holy Spirit’s leading and walk in obedience to the Lord, we will find that others are drawn to us simply because of His presence in us. As they move past the human aspect and allow themselves to be drawn to Christ, they will receive His life as theirs. They can begin their own salvation journey with Jesus and shine their light!
What a blessed grace God offers the world through us! Let us participate with the Holy Spirit and bring our brothers and sisters into the saving grace of God. We were created for nothing less.

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