Transferring Hope

Romans 15:13 NKJV

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.

As children of God, we are called to walk a life of faith, hope and love. Without the life of Christ
in us, we cannot flow in the grace to do this. We need the hope found in Jesus Christ! He gives us joy and peace while believing in
Him in us.

I have observed when people get stuck in their walk with God that it’s almost always because their
eyes have become locked on (what seems) unchanging circumstances. The light in their eyes grows dim and they seem to have lost hope. What was once alive is now at a standstill and disappointment seems to be the scene of the day.

If we seek the Lord during this time, a moment will come when the Holy Spirit leads us to the truth
that we are created to abound in hope. He then lovingly motivates us to action and to apply faith to the situation that has hindered us for so long.

A dear friend explained this move so beautifully when she said it was “transferring hope from the natural
(circumstances) to Jesus.” I knew exactly what she meant! The powerful force of hope’s energy and focus is being moved from trusting the circumstances to change, to trusting in Jesus to make a move that causes life to come.

God always makes a way through difficult times. He’s given us everything that pertains to life and
godliness. God has created us to overcome with abundant life. He gives us hope as we believe in what Jesus is doing and can do in our lives. We have been given hope. We just need to put it where it will bring life-giving, heavenly results.

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