The Will of God

came across a verse in Matthew that really made me think about how seriously we take the will of God in our lives. It follows the arrest of Jesus in Matthew 26:50 (TPT).

But one of the disciples pulled out a dagger and swung it at the servant of the high priest, slashing off his ear. Jesus said to him, “Put your dagger away. For all those who embrace violence will die by violence. Don’t you realize that I could ask my heavenly Father for angels to come at any time to deliver me? And instantly he would answer me by sending more than twelve legions of angels to come and protect us. But that would thwart the prophetic plan of God. For it has been written that it would happen this way.” Matthew 26:51‭-‬54 (TPT)

Jesus was walking out the predestined plan of God for His life in this passage. Part of that plan was being arrested. Jesus rebuked his disciple for pulling out a dagger and cutting off a servant’s ear (defending Jesus), explaining that God could send Him help at any time but that wasn’t THE PLAN Jesus was following. That wasn’t WHAT WAS WRITTEN about Him. Jesus came to fulfill the complete plan of God and He would let nothing stand in His way while doing it. He was passionate about fulfilling God’s will in His life. There could be no room for compromise in obeying His heavenly Father. He did everything He was supposed to do. He continues to fulfill the will of God today.

This leaves me with some thought-provoking and heart-checking questions. Do we value God’s will the same way Jesus did (in Matthew) for our own lives? Do we obey God’s will or simply do our own will? Do we have more room to seek the Lord’s will? Can we allow God to move in our hearts to grow us closer to His heart?

I know these questions are tough to answer (I asked myself these questions). Let the Holy Spirit speak to your heart about God’s will for your life. Surrender anything that isn’t “written for you”. Allow God to bring grace to these areas and replace what isn’t His will with what is His will.
Lord, let Your will be done in my life on earth today, as it is in heaven.

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