The Master Heart Surgeon

At some point in our lives we will all suffer from pain. It’s inevitable if you’re a human being. What you do with it will cause you to be either an overcomer or remain a victim.
Many people come to Christ on the threshold of intense pain. I did. I was in deep pain, suffering betrayal and rejection when God met me and changed my life forever. He simply told me the truth and loved me in the midst of my hurt. Then He never let go as I held onto Him. That was the key to my breakthrough: holding onto God when He was holding onto me.
I took a long time to trust people again after the pain, but I held onto God’s grip on me. At this time I started learning to trust God. He was, after all, the one who rescued me and set my feet and heart upon a safe place. God taught my heart little by little and I began to trust people again. I could do this because God led me into His good which always involves others.
I’m sure there are many people with a similar story. My point is that pain is present in life but as God’s children, we must deal with it so that we receive His life past the pain. Never once have I found where God wanted me to hold on to pain and hurt and not grow forward.
It doesn’t take long to look around and see hurting, broken, open-wounded people in the world who walk with a load unbearable on their back. Some don’t know how to heal and some choose not to become whole at all. They have chosen pain as their world and the glasses they see through. They haven’t yet found hope in the Healer.
But we have Jesus! He is our Master Heart Surgeon if we allow Him to be. We must let Him come into our hearts, not only as Lord and Saviour, but as our Healer; to remove pain and replace it with wholeness. We want His life flowing in us through a healed heart. Only then can we feel what He feels and see what He sees for loving the world around us.
Those painful days are behind me now. I can look back at them and not cringe in fear and discomfort. Those feelings have been replaced with thankfulness for what God has done to heal me. I rejoice in His faithfulness and goodness! I delight in God’s ways, His thoughts to my heart, and the truth He leads me into through the Holy Spirit.

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