God is good. That seems a simple enough statement but one that beckons thoughtful consideration from every child of God. He is good. He wants good for us all the time, even through times of pain and disappointment. If we don’t know this, we don’t know God.
When our pastors Will and Dorothy Wiebe came to us two years ago, they brought the simple message of God’s goodness with them. At the time I was a broken child of God who didn’t know this truth. I didn’t know God well enough to trust Him with His intentional good will for my life every day, let alone during painful and sorrowful times.
As the days and weeks went on, I learned in our pastors’ Word-strong messages that this statement is TRUE: God is always good. He thinks from goodness. He loves from His goodness. He speaks through His goodness. As God moves in us and through us, it is always done through goodness. Our pastors live this truth with a strong, gentle knowing inside their hearts, and they exemplify it through life-choices they make.
Learning that God is always good has helped me trust Him to heal my brokenness. He really does want what is best for me through His eyes, which is far better than I ever imagined!
Times are strange and changing but I’m learning to place my confidence in Christ alone. No matter what is going on around me, God is my steadfast state of being. The messages we receive from pastors Will and Dorothy ooze life and life abundantly. I can hear and find truth as the noise of the world is silenced within the anointed, spoken Word. Confidence comes because there is real safety and comfort in the Word that is spoken without compromise and wavering.My journey with God is rich with love, wisdom, and always, His goodness. I am in a safe place to grow and mature at Rock Christian Assembly. I am among people who love the Word and the abundant life that God offers while we are being led by pastors who truly feed God’s lambs, tend to His sheep and feed His sheep.