We all go through tough times. If you haven’t yet, you will if your faith is active and moving. That sounds negative, but the truth is we must go through situations that cause growing and stretching of our faith through areas we can’t control.
I used to avoid tough times at all costs. I would micromanage and facilitate situations as much as I possibly could to avoid pain and conflict. That all works well until other people enter the equation! I learned that trying to control others isn’t a very friendly trait, heehee.
I remember going through one really tough time where nothing I did would make it go away. I got to the place where I needed to be released from the tension and pain I was under more than I needed to solve the problem; I didn’t have the answers anyway. I was weary from the lost battle but for some reason I couldn’t get out and I had serious battle wounds that wouldn’t heal.
My life changed drastically and I found myself at the mercy of God. I cried out to Him and He clearly spoke to me through a dream. All at once I knew He deeply cared for me. I soon learned that healing was God’s way as He took my hand and walked me through the process. He wasn’t going to just “make it better”, He made it new! Through this experience I learned that God is very present in tough times and will carry us through if we allow Him. My faith grows most when I trust God in difficult and vulnerable times.
I have since been through other tough times but I see them differently now. Instead of avoiding them and getting locked up in the fear that I can’t control the situation, I turn my face to God where He shines His light on me. He always brings an all-encompassing peace. I embrace God’s presence and His strength and I know that He will carry me or cause me to stand courageously through the battle. At times I’ve even found that God has graced me to carry others through battles using the Word of God in prayer from a standpoint of love.
Because God has captured my heart, I praise Him now instead of running in fear. Sometimes I have weak moments but I quickly regain my composure and stance in God: therein lies my strength. My mouth recounts the stories of Daddy God’s love for me as I encourage others through their battles. By sharing God’s goodness, I am strengthened and I am victorious.
Michelle's Blog
God’s Will Be Done
Fissures – small, barely visible cracks, usually found in rock. Over time with applied stress, these cracks grow larger and larger. They grow so large