God will never Leave You or Forsake You

Many years ago I was invited to pray with a group of individuals who loved the Lord. It was a new experience for me as I had just given my life to Jesus for the second time. The first time I asked Jesus into my heart was to receive a brand new bible at the age of twelve. This time I invited Jesus into my life to welcome Him as a friend.
We were sitting in a circle as others prayed. I was new at praying so I delighted in watching and learning. Listening peacefully I heard God so clearly say to me, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”. Hearing God’s voice was such an amazing experience for me! The Creator of the universe spoke with me. God actually knew me and cared for me. What He said was so personal and relevant that it changed my life forever.
As a child I had been abandoned many times and had recently experienced it as an adult. I had deep trust issues. It seemed there wasn’t one person that didn’t break their word and with it, my trust. I felt scared, alone and unprotected.
So my heart rejoiced at what God had said during the meeting. I fully wanted to believe in someone to keep their word and to cover me safely. That day I decided wholeheartedly to trust God to keep His word to me and to protect me.
I have grown from a broken and scared little girl to a much loved, healed, more confident woman because of God’s faithfulness to His word and to me that day.
Many years have come and gone between then and now and I can tell you with full assurance that not once has God ever left me nor forsaken me. NOT ONCE.
Every single struggle, every fear-filled moment, every attack of “what was” and every time it looked as though I was utterly alone, it turned out that God was right there with me. He’s shown Himself to me as a friend, as a father, as my keeper and protector and as the One unconditionally and madly in love with me. I trust God with my life. He has shown Himself worthy to be trusted. God is my loyal friend.
Through God’s faithfulness I have learned to trust myself and others as well. Life has interesting twists and turns but God’s love and friendship is real and constant. When He says He will never leave you or forsake you, He means it with all His heart.

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